About our front cover

This year’s Integrated Annual Report front cover is a vibrant adaptation of a mural created by over 40 children from the Dream Library, a community library that Yinson proudly sponsored and supports.

The Dream Library is a part of the community centre run by our local partner,
Fábrica dos Sonhos. Located in São Lourenço, approximately 5 hours from the Yinson Brazil office, the library serves as a conducive and safe space for the local children to spend their time learning.

The mural, themed ‘Our Dream Future’, was a collaborative effort by children aged between 4 and 11 years old. Each child contributed by colouring in different pieces of the mural, which will be assembled to create a striking artwork that will soon adorn one of the walls of the Dream Library.

The mural is more than just a decorative element; it is a symbol of the imagination, aspirations, and passion of the children who created it. It serves as a poignant reminder of Yinson’s purpose: to provide energy infrastructure that empowers communities, drives economic growth, and protects the environment for both current and future generations.

We are incredibly grateful for Yinson’s unwavering support, which has enabled us to provide a nurturing environment where these young minds can thrive. This project not only beautifies our space, but also turns it into an efficient and comfortable environment for kids, reinforcing the importance of community and shared dreams in driving positive change.

Myrian Castello
Executive Director, Fábrica dos Sonhos

The mural coloured by the children embodies the very essence of our mission at Yinson. It reflects the vibrant energy, aspirations, and future we strive to build through our work. With this, we are investing in the potential of these young minds and the communities they represent. This artwork is a poignant reminder of our commitment to fostering growth, empowerment, and sustainability for generations to come.

Leticia Borges
HR Analyst, Yinson Production Brazil